The Great Resignation
Nearly 50 million people quit their job every year, is this your year?
The talent market has never changed this much at one time. Companies have to navigate the ripple effects and re-evaluate how to retain talent. Organizations face challenges to sustain work motivation and offer greater flexibility with better work-life balance.
Companies need to think about why employees are leaving:
- You hate your boss
- You don’t feel valued
- Lack of career progression
- Lack of autonomy
Employers today have begun to address individuals career growth needs, which focuses on your:
- Abilities
- Behavior
- Ability for self-development
- Self responsibility
- Performance oriented individuals
The JobFit Report is quick to replace the standard resume as “The Tool” hiring managers and companies use to evaluate you as talent.
To get your JobFit Report, simply click the button on the right to get started.